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فارسی عربي


Iran director film to join 4 fests

Globally acclaimed Iranian film ‘Simulation’ by Abed Abest is set to screen at four international festivals in three countries.

The flick currently on the big screen in Iran will attend Tbilisi Film Festival held December 4-10, 2017 in Georgia.

The Iranian production will go to three other fests afterwards with one taking place in the Czech Republic and the other two events in the US.

 Festival of Iranian Films in Prague as well as the Boston Festival of Films from Iran and the Annual Festival of Iranian Cinema both the US will host ‘Simulation’.

"'Simulation' (Tamaroz) is an experience that demands your complete audio sensory attention so you can structure the visuals on your imagination," a review said about the film.

One night, three jaded young men in a car visits an old man they only know indistinctly.

At first he’s glad to see them, but soon after he realizes they have come to burgle his house.

The flick has been shown at several cinema events, notably the Forum section of the 67th Berlin International Film Festival.

